CALL FOR PAPERS: The 5th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East: A Global Perspective of the Middle East Governance
مرة: 2016-03-15 وجهات النظر: 109


The 5th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East

“A Global Perspective of the Middle East Governance”

Shanghai, China

September 24-25, 2016

Global governance is growing important and undergoing significant changes nowadays. Complex governance problems and “governance deficit” have long been standing in the way of the transformation and development of the Middle East. The Middle East Upheaval in recent years further adds urgency and complexity to the governance within the region, making this region an important platform as well as a key area for powers to participate in global governance and show their governance capacity. Global powers and great power groups, such as the U.S., EU, Russia and China, attach increasing importance to their participation in the Middle East governance while stable countries and transforming countries in the region are also trying to explore a nationally appropriate pattern of governance. Against such backdrop, the Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), together with Middle East Studies Association of China, Center for West Asia and African Studies at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Center of West Asia and North Africa Studies at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Center for Turkish Studies at Shanghai University, will host the 5th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East on September 24-25, 2016 (Saturday & Sunday), with the theme of A Global Perspective of the Middle East Governance. Main topics suitable for the forum include but are not limited to:

1. Past and present, causes and trends, theory and practice of the Middle East governance;

2. Political and social transformation of the Middle East countries;

3. Comparative studies on concepts and means of Middle East countries on security, economic, finance and social governance;

4. Hotspot issues in the Middle East and their development direction;

5. Governance on terrorism, refugees, environment, drugs and health related problems in the Middle East;

6. Experience and development path of countries including Turkey, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Qatar and UAE;

7. Extraterritorial powers, such as the U.S., EU, Russia, China, Japan and India, and the Middle East governance;

8. Studies on women, minorities, water resources, cooperation of production capacity, political parties, NGOs and think tanks in the Middle East;

9. UN, IMF, World Bank, G20, regional organizations and the Middle East governance;

10. “The Belt and Road” Initiative, AIIB, Silk Road Fund and the Middle East governance;

A number of well-known experts and international scholars will be invited to deliver keynote speeches (to be announced). About 85 participants will attend the forum and the working language will be English. There is no conference fee for all invited participants. In addition, the organizing committee will provide accommodation during the forum for scholars from foreign countries or other provinces.

Interested scholars should submit following documents on time:

1. The proposals (in English) and the Registration Form (attached below) should be submitted by email to before May 15, 2016. The proposal should include the title and abstract of the paper (300 words min), name of the author and his institutional affiliation, email address and a brief C.V. (100 words max).

2. Full article (in English) should be submitted by email to before August 15, 2016. Submitted papers should strictly follow the academic norm with at least 5000 words.

Acceptance decision will be made 2 weeks after the submission of the proposal. After the forum, selected papers presented at the forum will be compiled into proceedings to be published by well-known foreign publisher Routledge, or be invited for publication on Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Published in the U.S.).

Both scholars and graduate students pursuing the Middle East studies are welcome.

Coordinator: Dr. Zhiqiang Zou


Mobile: 0086-13636347371

Tel: 0086-21-35372777

Fax: 0086-21-35373286


The Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University

Middle East Studies Association of China

Center for West Asia and Africa Studies at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies

Center of West Asia and North Africa Studies at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

Center for Turkish Studies at Shanghai University

Registration Form (Download)

Website: /32/99/c4284a78489/page.htm

Updated: March 25, 2016