刘中民教授就中阿关于巴勒斯坦问题联合声明接受Global Times采访
发布时间: 2024-05-31 浏览次数: 31

2024531日,上外350普京集团新网站刘中民教授就中阿关于巴勒斯坦问题联合声明接受Global Times采访,全文如下:

Joint statement adopted by China, Arab states calls for immediate cease-fire

The full text of the joint statement of China and Arab states on the Palestinian issue was released on Friday. The text noted that relevant resolutions of the United Nations must be fully and effectively implemented and that the two sides will work together to promote an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and strive for a comprehensive, just, and lasting resolution of the Palestinian issue as soon as possible.

The joint statement was adopted by China and Arab states at the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum on Thursday.

The joint statement highlights the deep concerns of China, Arab states, and the international community regarding the dire situation in Gaza and the urgent need for a cease-fire, analysts said.

The joint statement has 21 points that China and Arab states have reached consensus on. It noted that both sides condemn Israel's ongoing violations against the Palestinian people; denounce the violations in Rafah city, the bombing of refugee camps, and the control of the Rafah crossing.

The statement said that in the Gaza Strip, 125,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed or injured, the majority of whom are women and children. The Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip is forced to endure deadly famine and blockade that cut off all means of livelihood. Residential areas, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip have been systematically destroyed, and thousands of Palestinians are being detained and mistreated.

Both sides oppose the implementation of plans, intentions, and actions to forcibly drive the Palestinian people out of their homeland, which would undermine the prospects for peace in the Middle East and exacerbate regional conflicts, said the statement.

Both sides call for the UN Security Council to adopt a binding resolution to achieve an immediate, comprehensive, and sustained cease-fire, halt the forced transfer of Palestinians, ensure the delivery of aid throughout the Gaza Strip, and implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions to restore normal life in Gaza. Both sides condemn the US for using its veto power to prevent Palestine from becoming a full member of the UN, said the statement.

The statement noted that both China and Arab states support the International Court of Justice's interim measures issued on January 26, March 28, and May 24, regarding South Africa's lawsuit against Israel. The two sides believe that Israel should comply with relevant legal provisions, especially international humanitarian law. Both sides emphasize that Israel, as the occupying side, is responsible for the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Urging Israel to stop its actions in Rafah is to prevent the situation from escalation and addressing the pressing need for humanitarian aid, Liu Zhongmin, a professor with the Middle East Studies Institute of Shanghai International Studies University, told the Global Times on Friday.

The statement also emphasizes the shared stance of China and Arab states on the Palestinian issue, Liu said, referring to the point of the statement that said the Arab side emphasizes the implementation of the resolutions made at the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit held in Riyadh on November 11, 2023, including breaking the blockade on the Gaza Strip, allowing humanitarian aid from Arab, Islamic countries, and the international community to enter the entire Gaza Strip by sea, land and air immediately.

The statement also mentions the appreciation and support from Arab countries for China's position on the Palestinian issue, as well as the role China has played in providing humanitarian aid, which demonstrates mutual support between the two sides on the Palestinian issue, Liu said.

The statement reviews the peace initiatives proposed Arab states and the resolutions of the UN on the Palestinian issue. By reviewing these historical documents, the statement underscores the consensus and efforts of the international community on the Palestinian issue and emphasizes that resolving the Palestinian issue must be based on UN documents to ensure a just and lasting solution, said Liu.

The statement emphasizes the importance of the two-state solution and calls for Israel to end its occupation of East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and parts of Lebanon, analysts said.

Liu said the statement aims to provide a comprehensive and multi-dimensional perspective for resolving the Palestinian issue, emphasizing the international community's shared responsibility for achieving peace and stability in the region.

According to the joint statement, both China and Arab states emphasize that peace, security, and stability in the region cannot be achieved without ending the occupation of the territories of the Palestine state with East Jerusalem as its capital, the occupation of the Golan Heights of Syria, and the occupation of territories of Lebanon.

The joint statement calls on the international community to take irreversible measures to promote the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, achieving a political solution based on international law and relevant international resolutions.

Both China and Arab states reaffirm that the two-state solution is the only realistic way to resolve the Palestinian issue. They call for the prompt convening of a larger, more authoritative, and more effective international conference to initiate an authoritative peace process based on internationally recognized principles.

来源:Global Times
