发布时间: 2014-06-18 浏览次数: 883





1. 2010年底以来中东剧变的根源、特点与前景;

2. “一带一路”与中国中东外交;

3. 国家治理与中东政治和社会转型重点案例分析;

4. 中阿合作论坛成立十周年以来双边关系的回顾与展望;

5. 中东剧变后伊斯兰政党与组织的发展趋势研究;

6. 中东激进主义和恐怖主义的新发展与新走向;

7. 中东剧变以来中东国家妇女、非政府组织参政议政状况研究;

8. 中东国家政治和社会转型中的传统与新热点问题;

9. 中东国家政治和社会转型中的经济因素分析;

10. 新时期域外大国参与中东地区治理的案例研究。


有意参会者请于2014730日前将拟提交的论文摘要(英文)和回执表(见附件)以电邮附件形式发至zzq8585@163.com;应包括英文标题、英文摘要(300)、作者姓名、单位、联系方式和个人简介(150字)。组委会收到符合要求的英文摘要后将在两周内发出邀请函。经遴选的参会优秀论文将推荐到英文期刊Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies(《中东与伊斯兰研究》,美国出版)上发表,或结集出版。











Call for Papers

The 4th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East: International Conference on Great Powers and the Middle East Political & Social Transformation

Shanghai, China

Sept. 10-11, 2014

Great powers have been playing an important role in the process of political and social transformation of the Middle East. The region has been undergoing a radical upheaval and transformation since the Middle East Upheaval, at the same time, the great powers’ influence is becoming more prominent. Upon this background, the Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) will host the 4th International Forum on Asia and the Middle East: International Conference on Great Powers and the Middle East Political & Social Transformation on September 10-11, 2014 (Wednesday–Thursday). The conference will focus on a variety of topics:

1. The Roots, Characteristics and Prospects of the Middle East Upheaval since 2010.

2. The Silk Road Economic Belt, the Maritime Silk Route and China’s Middle East Diplomacy.

3. National Governance and the Middle East Political & Social Transformation: Case Studies.

4. Retrospect and Prospect of the China-Arab World Relations at the 10th Anniversary of the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum.

5. The Development Trend of the Islamic Parties and Organizations since the Middle East Upheaval.

6. New Developments and Trends of the Middle East Extremism and Terrorism.

7. Studies of Women in Middle Eastern Countries and Political Participation of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) since the Middle East Upheaval.

8. Traditional and New Hot-Spot Issues in the Process of Political and Social Transformation of the Middle Eastern Countries.

9. Economic Issues in the Process of Political and Social Transformation of the Middle Eastern Countries.

10. Non-Middle East Great Powers’ Participation of the Middle Eastern Regional Governance: Case Studies.

A number of well-known international scholars will be invited to deliver keynote speeches (to be announced). The official working language of the conference will be English. There is no conference fee for all invited participants; In addition, The Organizing Committee will provide accommodation during the conference for foreign scholars. We will also make a list of bookable hotels and nearby restaurants during the conference for references.

The proposals (in English) and the registration forms (see below) should be submitted by email to zzq8585@163.combefore July 30, 2014. The proposal should include title, name of author, institutional affiliation, email address, an abstract (300 words) and a brief C.V. (150 words). Acceptance decision will be made 2 weeks after the submission of the paper. After the conference, selected papers presented at the conference will be invited for publication on Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, or will be published in a book volume.

Both scholars and graduate students pursuing the Middle East studies are welcome.

The Middle East Studies Institute at Shanghai International Studies University

Center for West Asia & Africa Studies at Shanghai Institutes for International Studies

Center of West Asia & North Africa Studies at Shanghai Academy of Social Science

550, Dalian Road (W), 200083, Shanghai, China

May 29, 2014

Coordinator: Dr. Zhiqiang Zou

E-Mail: zzq8585@163.com

Tel.: 86-021-35372777

Registration Form (Download)